February 1, 2010


I'm a little overwhelmed to say the least! Before I married Chad I lived in a small apartment with 2 bedrooms and one had just my desk and computer in it! Now we live in a 3 bedroom plus...with garage and basement full of stuff...now I really don't believe we had all this when we moved in here. Chad did have a lot of stuff in his storage that he put in there when he moved from his house in Liberty to his sister Pat's, so maybe he had a lot but I had really simplified back when I got divorced and moved from Texas to Oregon. As a matter of fact I left Texas with my clothes and that's all! My ex got everything but me :)

Anyway, now we are most likely moving to Oregon for work and we have got to simplify our belongings. Now don't get me wrong I am not in the least bit sad about this, I'm excited about it, I've always wanted to simplify, it's my style. I am a very organized person and things have been a bit chaotic since I remarried, moved into this house and started school in 2004! So it's way past due time to get things ORGANIZED, and simplifying what you have sure makes that an easier task.

Now to my issue, I look at all there is and I have no idea where to start!? It is really overwhelming to look around my house and not know what to do first. We are going to sell some things, well I'm sure a lot of things. Because for a while we will not be living in a house as large as we have now. So some things must go. We don't know whether to put stuff in storage or whether to just sell out and start over with just the bare necessities. Anyway I'm just writing this because I thought it might help me feel better about how I'm feeling.

I am really excited to go on this adventure with Chad! I think he is nervous and scared but I think he is excited to, he is the one who called it an "adventure" first!!!


Thibault's said...

When you move it makes it easier to simpilfy because the less you have to move the better. When we moved we just started with on room and finished it before we started the next one. Anything that had centimental value we kept but anything that just collected dust we got rid of. Another thing to keep in mind is a new home allows you to start over, it may even have a different theme. Good Luck!!

Karen said...

Moving is a lot of work! I agree it is nice to simplify. You will have to post pictures of your new home, town, etc... :)