April 9, 2009

Do you ever wonder...

if you can please everyone all the time? I have found in life that you can't and sometimes the people with the most negativity just have to be let go from your life. I want to be around people who can be upbeat and happy and not driven to find fault in everyone and everything, none of us are perfect and we've all made mistakes in relationships that you wish you hadn't. I used to have a lot of negative thoughts, (as explained in my post from yesterday) but I have grown up (yes I know I'm 53!) and it did take a while to get a better perspective on what life should be. I don't want to be lonely when I am old and I don't want to be alone in life. I have the choice to make sure that I'm not but I had to change me first! I want to be happy and so making changes in me first was the key! Life is just so short as it is and I have read a lot of articles about stress which say you should do away with all the stress in your life. I mean the little everyday "stress" like getting to work on time or to bed on time that is one thing but when there are people in your life that constantly dwell on the negative and you have tried everything in your power to convince them it would be ok to let the past go and move forward but they just refuse and want to dwell on everything "bad" that has ever been done to them then you must cut them loose. I hate this and it hurts but I want peace in my life and I just didn't have it with all that was going on, so I tried to be gentle in my efforts to convince someone that they were not helping their self nor anyone around them by not letting go of negativity but instead they twist and turn things around and I think truly believe in their own mind that they have never done anything wrong. However there are always always more than one side to a story and unless you were there in person to hear and see everything then you just don't have a clue. Plus people are all different and interpret things in different manners, I used to believe all I was told but have learned not everything is as it seems. Some people just have issues that are beyond anything I could ever do to help. It is sad when you lose some people in your life especially when you have been close but sometimes it is a necessary evil I guess? Sorry about my ramblings but I have had this on my mind for a week or so and sometimes writing things down really helps. This blog is a sort of journal for me and our life and this is what is going on today; Well this and my mother-in-law got robbed last night and she was at home with the robber in the house!

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